There are a few components that are a constant part of any HVAC setup, and one of the most important for both air quality and system efficiency is your filter. Filters hold multiple vital responsibilities within the HVAC system, and it’s vital that they’re changed or cleaned on a regular basis to allow for optimal performance.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to offer a comprehensive range of heating, air conditioning and air quality services to clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas. From major installations and repairs to every part of preventive maintenance required to keep your system in great shape, we’re here to help. Here are some of the key reasons why it’s so vital to change or clean your air filters on a regular basis to maintain quality HVAC system operations.

Keeping Air Quality High

One of the first and most important roles of your HVAC filter is to keep dust, dirt, pet dander, pollen and other contaminants out of the air. Over time these particles will accumulate on the filter, and one of the first things that happens here is your air quality drops.

For instance, if you have allergies, the last thing you want is to be breathing in more allergens than necessary. A clogged filter can do exactly that, so it’s important to change or clean it regularly.

Improving Efficiency

Another key factor to consider when it comes to filters is efficiency. If your filter is dirty or clogged, then your HVAC system has to work harder than it should in order to blow air out of the vents. This, in turn, leads to shorter system life, higher energy bills and a lower level of comfort.

By changing or cleaning your filter regularly, you can make sure that your system is running at peak efficiency and keep energy costs as low as possible. At Lee’s Heating and Air, we always recommend that our clients check their air filters every month to ensure they work as efficiently as intended.

Lowering Multiple Costs

As we just alluded to, changing or cleaning filters regularly helps keep your costs down within the HVAC system – and it does this in multiple ways:

  • System run costs: When filters are clogged, your system has to work harder to push the same amount of air through, which leads to higher energy costs as the system is on for longer periods of time.
  • Repair and maintenance costs: Dirty filters can lead to excess strain on your HVAC system, leading to more repairs and more maintenance than necessary. This means that you’re spending money unnecessarily for a problem you could have prevented with regular filter changes or cleanings.

Keeping the Home Cleaner

Not only does a clogged filter reduce the quality of air circulating in your home, but it can also lead to dirt and dust buildup elsewhere. This is because instead of being pulled into the filter, these particles remain airborne and eventually settle on furniture, walls and other surfaces that are much harder to clean than a filter.

By regularly changing or cleaning filters, you can keep your home cleaner and the air better for everyone inside it.

Extending Lifespan of Multiple Components

Another key factor to consider with filters is that they not only help keep your HVAC system running, but they can also extend the life of multiple components. This includes the air ducts and other parts of the system that would otherwise be exposed to dust and dirt on a regular basis without a filter in place.

By regularly changing or cleaning filters, you can make sure all of these components stay in great shape and perform optimally.

How Often Do Filters Need Changing or Cleaning?

The answer to this question typically depends on the type and quality of filter you’re using, as well as the conditions within your home. Generally speaking, however, most homeowners should change or clean their filters every one to three months. If you have pets or live in an area with a lot of air pollution, then it’s best to do it more often – such as once a month.

In most cases, filter manufacturers will include specific guidelines within the packaging regarding how often a filter should be changed or cleaned. It’s important to pay attention to these instructions as they can help you keep your HVAC system running in peak condition for years to come.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we always check filters when we’re servicing an HVAC system and make sure they’re running optimally. If you need help with your filters or would like to have a system check-up, or to learn about any of our other HVAC services across SLC, Provo, American Fork or any other part of Utah, contact our team today!