There are a few areas of your home and property where you definitely don’t want to be seeing ice, and one top example here is on your outdoor air conditioner unit. Ice on this unit can be caused by a few different things, and almost none of them are desirable – luckily, though, some basic approaches will allow you to avoid or remedy this issue without much major effort.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to assist clients around Salt Lake City, American Fork, Provo and surrounding areas with all their AC repair and maintenance needs, including help with issues like these. Here are some of the possible explanations behind ice on your outdoor AC unit, plus how to proceed.

It’s Still Winter

The only major exception to our line above about how most causes of ice on the AC unit aren’t desirable is this one: If it’s still wintertime! This current Utah winter, for instance, is stretching much longer than most would – even at times where most people would have already begun using the AC unit, it can still be cold enough and have sufficient moisture in the air to cause ice buildup.

In this case, simply waiting until warmer temperatures will take care of the issue. Luckily, in most such cases, your home will also remain cool enough that you should not need any use of your AC system while ice is still on it.

However, most other situations where ice is found on your AC unit are more problematic.

AC is Low On Refrigerant

One of the more common causes of ice on the AC unit is simply a lack of proper refrigerant. This due to any number of possible issues, from a leak in the system to simple insufficient levels from older systems – and it will require an inspection and repair work to remedy.

When refrigerant is low, there will be less of it present in your system to absorb the heat that’s being pulled from your home. This can then cause the unit to stay at a cooler temperature than desired, leading to frosting and even ice buildup as moisture in the air condenses on the AC coils.

If you suspect this may be happening with your system, contact our team right away so that we can come in and perform an inspection.

Clogged Air Filters

Another possible culprit for ice on the AC unit could simply be a clogged air filter. This acts as an obstruction to the proper flow of warm air into the system, which can in turn cause it to cool down too much and cause Frosting and even ice buildup.

To remedy this issue, you’ll want to go ahead and inspect your air filter – if it’s dirty, replace it with a clean one. Additionally, be sure to check your home’s vents: If any of them are blocked or closed off, this could also contribute to insufficient airflow and the resulting frosting.

Blower Fan Malfunction

Within your system, the blower fan refers to the fan that is responsible for pushing air across your evaporator coil. If it’s malfunctioning, this could also cause frost accumulation on the unit – and will require professional repair work to fix.

If you believe this might be the case for your team right away so that we can come out and take a look.

Dirty Indoor Air Coil

Another key component within your system is the indoor air coil. This part helps to absorb excess heat from your home while also drawing in moisture – however, over time it can become clogged with dust and debris, leading to insufficient airflow and eventually frosting or even ice accumulation on the unit.

If you suspect this may be the case for your system, contact a certified HVAC technician right away so that they can come in and clean the coil.

In any of the above cases, having a professional inspection performed is essential to be sure that all necessary repairs are carried out accurately and completely – and here at Lee’s Heating & Air, we’re happy to provide such help around Salt Lake City, American Fork, Provo and nearby areas. Contact us today for further assistance!