Functioning as the “brains” of your home’s HVAC system, your thermostat is a vital component that you’ll be interacting with on a regular basis throughout the year. One thermostat-related topic that tends to become important during any seasonal change, such as the current transition into fall and eventually winter, is thermostat settings and how they’re set up.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to offer a wide range of HVAC solutions for clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas, including ACs, furnaces, heat pumps and any other components your home utilizes. Let’s go over why thermostat settings are important to think about during a changing season like this one, plus what to be considering as you look to balance comfort and cost savings from your HVAC system as we move into the cooler parts of the year.

Why Thermostat Settings Matter – Particularly During Seasonal Transitions

Firstly, let’s make one thing clear: The thermostat settings you utilize have a major impact on both your overall HVAC efficiency and the costs of running your system. There’s no single “right” answer here; rather, finding the right balance between comfort and cost is a key priority for any homeowner.

In addition, during seasonal changes like moving from summer to fall or winter to spring, finding the right balance on your thermostat settings becomes even more important. Temperatures during these times are often mild, meaning you may not require much heating or cooling in your home – but this also means small differences in settings can make a major impact on both comfort and costs.

Kinds of Thermostats

How you consider your thermostat this time of year (or any time of year, really) will depend heavily on the type of thermostat you have. There are several common options, including:

  • Manual thermostats: These require manual adjustments to make changes in temperature.
  • Programmable thermostats: These allow you to set predetermined schedules for temperature changes.
  • Smart thermostats: Controlled via an app, these can be adjusted remotely and offer numerous advanced features.

As you may have already assumed, manual thermostats offer the least control and often lead to higher costs because of this. Programmable thermostats are a more balanced option, allowing you to fine-tune settings for different parts of the day or week. Smart thermostats are generally considered the most advanced and efficient options, with many useful features like learning your preferences and adjusting accordingly.

Cost Savings Considerations

Another key consideration when setting your thermostat is the potential for cost savings. In general, lower temperatures during fall and winter months mean less energy usage – but there are certain steps you can take to increase these savings further.

For one, consider lowering your thermostat by a few degrees while you’re sleeping or away from home. This has minimal impact on comfort, but can significantly reduce costs in the long run. Additionally, remember that minor changes in temperature can make a big difference; even adjusting by one degree can lead to savings over time.

General Temperature Ranges

While every home will be a bit different in terms of what temperature ranges are comfortable for occupants, there are a few general guidelines to keep in mind:

  • For most people, 68°F is a comfortable indoor temperature during fall and winter months.
  • If you have pets or young children in the home, consider bumping this up by a couple degrees – but not too much, as this can lead to higher costs.
  • As a general rule, every single degree lower on the thermostat can save you roughly 1-3% on your energy bills.

Help Your Thermostat Out!

It’s vital to note that while your thermostat itself functions as the brains of your HVAC system, it relies on proper support from other components and maintenance areas in order to truly function at its best. Proper insulation and sealing of drafts in your home, for instance, will help your thermostat regulate temperatures more easily and efficiently.

For more on how to set up your thermostat during seasonal changes like we’re experiencing now, or to learn about any of our heating and cooling services for clients around SLC, Provo, American Fork or surrounding areas, speak to the staff at Lee’s Heating and Air today. We look forward to helping you with all your HVAC needs!