The world of home automation is skyrocketing in popularity in recent years, and one area where it’s been especially notable is within the realm of heating and air conditioning. In particular, the use of smart thermostats and various additional components has become quite popular among many homeowners in the last several years. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to assist clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas with all their HVAC needs, including home automation systems for your heating, cooling and air quality systems. When looking into such a system, whether in the form of a smart thermostat or additional elements as well, here are some of the most important basic areas to be considering to find the ideal setup. 

Compatibility With Your Existing Components

Perhaps the single most important variable to consider when looking into a home automation system for your HVAC needs is compatibility with existing components. Certain systems simply may not be compatible with the type of furnace, heat pump or air conditioning unit you have in place, and going ahead with such a setup could cause significant issues down the line. 

On top of this, certain smart thermostats or other devices may require additional wiring or other components that your current HVAC setup does not have. This could mean added costs and installation hassles, so it’s vital to consider compatibility before making any decisions. 

Smart Features

Of course, the whole point of installing a home automation system is to access advanced smart features that help you save money on your utility bills while also optimizing comfort levels in the home. As part of your research, make sure to compare and contrast the smart features offered by different systems – everything from automatic temperature adjustments when you leave the home to remote control options and beyond should be on your radar. 

For instance, maybe you’re most interested in a system that offers voice control through your smartphone, or perhaps you want one that can learn your preferred temperature settings over time and make automatic adjustments based on this data. Whatever the case may be, be sure to check out all smart features before making any decisions. 

Ease of Use

While you want advanced features, it’s also important to remember that not all homeowners are tech-savvy or interested in complex systems. Many will prefer a simpler setup that doesn’t require much thought – if this describes you, make sure to choose a system with an interface that’s simple and easy to understand. 

On the flip side, maybe you’re all about advanced technology and want as many features as possible – but be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. A complex system might mean a steep learning curve and constant maintenance or troubleshooting, so consider your comfort level with technology before making any choices. 


Naturally, another key area of consideration for any homeowner will be the cost associated with a home automation system. Smart thermostats and other components can range significantly in price, so it’s important to have a budget in mind and stick to it while you’re shopping. 

In addition, remember that there may be additional costs for installation, wiring, and any other components required for your specific setup. Be sure to ask about these potential expenses upfront before making a final decision on which system is right for you. 

Maintenance and Support

Don’t overlook the importance of maintenance and support when choosing a home automation system. Some systems may require frequent updates or troubleshooting, while others may be more low-maintenance. Check out reviews and recommendations from other homeowners to get a sense of the type of support offered by different companies before making your choice.


As you’re looking into different home automation systems, it’s also important to consider the possibility of updates and upgrades in the future. Technology is always evolving and improving, so you want to make sure that your system will continue to meet your needs for years to come. Ask about the company’s track record for updates and their plans for future improvements so that you can stay ahead of the curve with your automated home. 

There are several key areas to consider when looking into a home automation system for your heating and cooling needs. Compatibility, smart features, ease of use, cost, maintenance and support, and future updates all play important roles in finding the perfect setup for your home. With careful consideration and research, you can find the ideal system that will save you money, improve your comfort, and make your life a little easier. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re here to answer any questions you may have about home automation systems and help you find the perfect fit for your home. Contact us today to learn more about this or any of our heating and air services around SLC, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas.