Parents of new babies will always be thinking about ensuring that their home is suitable for their child in the early weeks and months of their lives, and several factors may come into play here. One that’s being more closely considered by many parents today is the realm of humidity, and whether their child might benefit from humidifier solutions in the home.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we happily provide a number of air quality solutions to clients, including home humidifier products that are often especially useful to our Utah customers due to the dry nature of this state. More and more parents are realizing that there are limitations to just using a portable humidifier in a baby’s room – babies spent plenty of time in other rooms, for starters, and there may also be several related benefits to installing whole-home humidifier products if your child has such a need. Here are some signs or indicators that your child could benefit from a humidifier, or might even need one.

Constant Dry Skin

Probably the most common signs of needing more humidity in the home is when a baby’s skin remains dry no matter how often you use lotions or creams. You might begin to notice flaky skin, redness or cracking at the joints such as elbows and knees.

Humidifiers can help restore moisture to the air and add humidity to any room of your home. This in turn should reduce dry skin issues your baby may be having, providing them with a much more comfortable environment overall.

Increased Illnesses, Especially Colds

Another sign that humidifiers could be beneficial is if your baby seems to get colds more often or has a harder time recovering from them. Dry air can cause the tiny hairs in our nose and lungs to become dry and brittle, which can make it difficult for your body to fight off viral infections.

By adding a cool mist to the air that also contains moisture, your baby will be able to breathe easier and become more resistant to the viruses that cause colds. Humidifiers can also help break up congestion in the nose and chest, which is why many parents use them when their children are sick with a cold or allergy-related issue.

Sleep Issues

In other cases, a humidifier may also be helpful in improving your baby’s sleep. Babies who are constantly coughing or sneezing at night due to dry air may find it difficult to get comfortable, and this discomfort can lead to trouble sleeping. Humidifiers can help create the ideal environment for good sleep by keeping the air temperature consistent and adding much-needed moisture.

Another related concern here is snoring, which can sometimes result from a dry environment as well. Adding moisture to the air can reduce this issue, leading to better sleep for your baby and you too!

Known Low Indoor Humidity Levels

In other cases, even if none of the above signs are actually present, you may still want to consider a humidifier if your indoor humidity levels are known to be low. This can be especially true in drier climates like Utah, and it’s important to keep an eye on the inside relative humidity levels for safety as well as comfort reasons.

In any home where humidity levels are below 30% on a regular basis, a humidifier could provide added health benefits to you and your family. It can also help restore items in the home that may have been damaged due to dryness, such as musical instruments, furniture or artwork.

If you’re looking to test the humidity levels in your home, this can often be done on your own using a hygrometer. If you need help choosing the right humidifier solution for your home, we would be more than happy to assist you at Lee’s Heating and Air. Give us a call today to discuss your options!

Parent Allergy or Sinus Issues

Because allergies or other respiratory issues often pass genetically from parents on to children, many parents who have known allergic or sinus issues may want to consider a humidifier for their child. Humidifiers can reduce the buildup of allergens in the air, as well as break up congestion and help make breathing easier.

While using a humidifier isn’t going to cure any serious allergies or respiratory problems, it can certainly help create an environment that is more comfortable and less irritating your baby’s airways. This can make a huge difference, especially during allergy season or in other cases where your child may be prone to allergies.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use a humidifier in your home is going to come down to you as a parent. By understanding the potential signs that humidifiers can help, as well as the benefits they bring to the home environment, you’ll be better equipped to make a decision that is best for your baby.

If you decide it’s right for your family, Lee’s Heating and Air would be happy to provide assistance in choosing the right humidifier solution. Give us a call today!