There are a few issues that likely cause more problems in your HVAC system than you might realize, and a great example here is a clogged filter. Some people think of filters as a secondary concern or even forget about them entirely in some cases, but this is a major risk that you should not be taking for several reasons. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we offer numerous HVAC services to clients around Salt Lake City, Provo and American Fork, from basic preventive maintenance up through repairs and even new HVAC installations wherever needed. Here are some basics on the role air filters play in your HVAC system, and the major risks you’re taking if they are allowed to clog instead of being regularly changed or cleaned. 

What HVAC Filters Do

For those who aren’t familiar with HVAC systems, the purpose of air filters is to keep dust and other debris from getting into the system itself. This reduces the risk of major damage occurring, which could lead to expensive repairs in some cases. 

Air filters should be changed or cleaned on a regular basis, depending upon the type installed in your system. The more common type is the disposable air filter, which should be replaced every 30 to 60 days. This helps ensure that your system is operating properly and that there’s minimal risk of the HVAC system suffering from performance issues or a total breakdown due to dust buildup. 

If these filters are not changed or cleaned regularly, they can become clogged with various debris such as dust particles, pet dander and other allergens. This can have a number of negative effects, which we’ll go over in our subsequent sections. 

Bad Temperature Regulation

Firstly, clogged air filters will absolutely impact the actual performance of the HVAC system. The buildup of dirt and other debris can cause a blockage in the system, making it difficult for air to flow freely through the. 

This means that heated or cooled air may not be evenly distributed throughout your home, leading to uneven temperatures and hot spots in various places. You may find that your house is much hotter or cooler in some areas than others, and this can be a major issue if it persists for an extended period of time. 

Higher Energy Bills

Airflow blockages due to clogged filters will also cause your HVAC system to work harder in order to maintain the desired temperature, which will lead to higher energy bills each month. This is something that many homeowners don’t realize, and it can be a major issue if you’re already struggling to make ends meet on your bills. 

In fact, studies have shown that just one clogged air filter can lead to a 15 percent increase in energy bills each month, so it’s important to keep an eye on this issue and make sure your filters are changed/cleaned regularly. 

Health Risks

Clogged air filters may also contribute to the buildup of allergens and bacteria in your home, leading to risks for those who suffer from asthma and other breathing issues. If you or someone in your family is already dealing with allergies, this can be a major problem, so it’s important to be aware of the issue and take action to prevent it. 

For instance, if you’re using disposable air filters, make sure they are changed out every 30-60 days as recommended. If you are using reusable air filters, make sure they are cleaned regularly and that the replacement filters are of a good quality to ensure your health is being protected as much as possible. 


It’s also worth noting that dirty air filters can actually contribute to bad odors in your home, which can be unpleasant for everyone living there and potentially lead to feelings of nausea and other issues. Again, this is something that can easily be prevented with regular filter changes/cleanings, so it’s worth taking the time to do this in order to ensure your home environment is clean and healthy. 

As you can see, air filters play an extremely important role in keeping your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently, and it’s important to take proper care of them in order to avoid problems down the line. If you’re not sure how to properly maintain your air filters or are having trouble getting the job done, contact our team at Lee’s Heating and Air today and we’ll be happy to help! We specialize in all things HVAC related, so don’t hesitate to contact us for any need in SLC, Provo, American Fork or nearby areas.