For multiple reasons, homeowners around Utah are always looking to ensure they avoid any major air conditioner repair needs during a summer as hot as this current one. Not only will such issues leave you less comfortable in your home, they also cost money and may even be signs of larger problems – but there are also some simple ways to avoid this concern. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re proud to offer a wide range of air conditioning repair and installation services around Salt Lake City, Provo and American Fork – but we’re also here to help you avoid any major repair or replacement needs for your key HVAC components. Here are some of the simplest ways to ensure you steer clear of expensive, high-hassle AC repairs this summer. 

Seasonal Professional Tune-Up

If you did not already have a professional tune-up done on your air conditioner before the start of this summer, now is a great time to do it. This helps ensure that all key components are working properly and can also be used as an opportunity to identify any potential issues or problems before they become major repairs down the line. 

There are also warranty-based reasons to ensure a regular tune-up: many HVAC components, including air conditioners, come with warranties that require proof of regular maintenance in order to become eligible for coverage. The last thing you want is to miss out on a warranty-covered repair just because you skipped this simple step.

Regular Filter Changes

One HVAC tip that applies throughout the year, but is especially important during peak summer and winter seasons where you system is working hardest, is to change out your HVAC filters on a regular basis. This helps keep the system running as smoothly and efficiently as possible, while also keeping air quality at a maximum level. 

Standard furnace filters should be changed every three months or more frequently if you have pets in the home or notice a difference in air quality quickly. High-efficiency (HEPA) filters may need to be changed every 1-2 months, as they capture and filter more particulates than standard models. 

Outdoor Unit Inspections

Every so often, it’s important to inspect your outdoor unit for any signs of damage, debris or buildup. Leaves, twigs and other objects can get lodged in the outside vents and be cause for major repair issues – so a quick check every now and then is always good practice.

Typically, homeowners do not need more than a scrub brush and some air pressure from a hose to clean the outdoor unit. If you have any questions or are worried about properly cleaning your unit, contact a local HVAC technician for help and advice. 

Cleaning Condensate Drain

If your AC unit utilizes what’s known as a condensate drain line, it’s important to ensure there is no blockage in the line that could lead to water damage or mold growth. This can happen as a result of sediment buildup and other kinds of debris – so it’s always good practice to clean out the rain pan and line from time-to-time. 

Again, if you’re unsure how to do this, contact a local HVAC technician – many companies offer basic cleaning and maintenance services that also include checking/cleaning out the condensate drain line. 

Limiting the Strain

Another simple way to avoid repair needs is to limit the strain on your air conditioner as much as possible. This can be done in a variety of ways, from avoiding using large appliances when the AC is running (like clothes dryers and ovens) to keeping windows closed and curtains drawn during hot daytime hours. 

In addition, consider raising the temperature setting one or two degrees – you may not even notice the difference, and it helps reduce strain on your unit’s compressor. This all adds up over time and can help you avoid an expensive repair down the line. 

Keep an Eye (And an Ear, and a Nose) Out

Finally, it’s always a great idea to keep an eye (and ear, and nose) out for any potential issues with your AC as the summer goes on. This includes physical signs like strange odors, loud noises during operation or water leaking from the unit – all of which can indicate a need for repair. 

It also pays to watch your energy bills: if you notice a sudden spike in your summer AC bills, it can be an indication of inefficient operation. This is often caused by duct leaks or other issues that need to be fixed – so don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you suspect something might be wrong.

By following these simple steps and being aware of any potential air conditioner repair needs as they come up, you can help ensure your home stays cool and comfortable all summer long – without the need for expensive repairs. If you do find yourself in need of an air conditioner repair or replacement, contact the team at Lee’s Heating and Air today. Our experienced technicians offer a wide range of energy-efficient HVAC solutions around Salt Lake City, Provo and American Fork. Call us at your convenience!