While heating components in our homes like heat pumps and furnaces are designed to turn on and off periodically, both to save energy and to provide the proper levels of heat for the space, there are situations where this happens far too often – and a few issues may be causing this. With a heat pump in particular, there could be several different culprits causing on-off cycles that are too frequent, and knowing them can help you get to the bottom of this concern.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to provide comprehensive heat pump services to clients around Utah, ensuring your home is always kept warm and comfortable during the winter. What are some of the reasons why a heat pump might be cycling on and off too often, and what can be done if this is happening – either on your own or with the help of our HVAC technicians wherever needed? Let’s have a look.

Improper Insulation or Sealing

One of the more common reasons why a heat pump might be cycling too much is due to the fact that your home is not properly insulated or sealed. If there are any gaps in the insulation, or if it overall isn’t up to par, then this could easily be resulting in air leaking out of your home and causing your heat pump to run more often than necessary.

In this case, the best solution would be to inspect your insulation and make sure there are no gaps or leaks – sealing them as necessary. In addition, you can also look into investing in thicker insulation if it is not up to par.

Wrongly Sized Heat Pump

Another reason why a heat pump could be cycling too often is because it is the wrong size for your home. Heat pumps that are too small will be running constantly to try and heat a space, leading to it cycling on and off more than necessary. On the other hand, if you have a heat pump that is too large, then it will also be cycling more often as it has no need to run at full capacity for long periods of time.

In this case, the solution is relatively simple – you will need to invest in a correctly sized heat pump for your home. Lee’s Heating and Air can help with that, as we have a team of experienced HVAC technicians who know how to properly size heat pumps for individual homes.

Dirty Filters

Dirty filters can cause a number of issues with a heat pump, including it running too frequently. With dirty filters, air is unable to move through the heat pump as freely, leading to it struggling to provide the necessary levels of warmth for your home. This can cause the heat pump to turn on more often than necessary in an attempt to fight against the blockage from these filters.

The first simple step to take when this is the issue is to replace your filters regularly. We recommend doing it at least once per month. If you have any questions about this, or if you would like help with replacing them, then our HVAC technicians can be there for you as well.

In addition, however, especially if your prior filters are found to have been especially clogged up, you may need to look for any signs of additional damage to the heat pump. This is especially the case if the cycling has been happening for a long period of time – and in this situation, finding a reliable HVAC technician to inspect the system further and make any necessary repairs may be your best option.

Problems With the Thermostat

In other situations, the actual culprit here is not your heat pump itself, but rather the thermostat that is controlling it. If the settings on the thermostat are not calibrated correctly, or if it has been damaged in other ways, then this can result in your heat pump cycling too often as well.

This is one issue that you may be able to troubleshoot on your own, however. First, make sure that the settings are correct – if they haven’t been changed recently, then it would be worth double-checking them and making sure everything is set up properly. In addition, you can also look for any damage or wear-and-tear on your thermostat, and if necessary reach out to a professional HVAC technician to help with any further repairs or replacements.

Physical Damage

Finally, while it’s somewhat rarer than the other issues we have discussed, it is possible that the heat pump itself has sustained some physical damage. This can be due to a variety of different things, including any environmental factors or general age and wear-and-tear.

In this case, you will likely need to consult with an HVAC professional – especially if this is an issue that has been happening for a while. The technician can inspect the system, diagnose any underlying issues, and then recommend any necessary repairs or replacements.

If your heat pump is cycling on and off too frequently, then there may be several different causes behind this issue – ranging from insulation problems to physical damage. Knowing these can help you get to the root of your concern and ensure that your heat pump is working properly again.

If you need assistance with this, then Lee’s Heating and Air can be there for you. We have a team of experienced HVAC technicians who know how to diagnose these issues quickly, so get in touch today to learn more!