There are a few different indicators that might help give you a general idea of how a component like your air conditioner is operating, and noises are a good example here. This can be true on both sides of the proverbial coin – some noises that come from the AC unit are normal and signal that things are operating properly, while others are on the opposite end and are indicating some kind of problem that needs to be addressed.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to offer a wide range of AC repair and maintenance services for clients around Salt Lake City, Provo and American Fork. In this two-part blog series, we’re going to look at both sides of this coin – today’s part one will focus on the proper sounds you should be hearing from your AC, while part two will go over certain noises that signal an issue.

Low Hum From Compressor

One of the most important parts of your AC is its compressor – this is the part that actually pumps refrigerant through your system to cool the air. As such, it’s normal to hear a low hum from this component when it’s on and running.

When this sound begins, this signals that the compressor has begun the AC’s cooling cycle. It should be a consistent, low-pitched hum that’s always present when the compressor is working. If this sound stops or gets any louder, it could signal that your AC is having issues and needs to be serviced.

Whirring From Fans

Your air conditioner also has several fans inside of it that help move air through the system and out into your home. When these fans are running, you should hear a steady whirring, which may become slightly louder when the AC is actually actively cooling your home.

This sound should be relatively gentle, and should not be interrupted during the AC’s cycle. If you hear any loud or strange noises coming from the fans, it could be a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed right away.

Basic Duct Rattling or Vibration

Another normal sound you may hear from your AC unit is the sound of air going through the duct system. Depending on the size and shape of your particular ducts, you may hear a slight rattling or vibration noise when air is moving through them. This should be relatively low-pitched and consistent throughout the cycle.

The exact representation of this sound may depend on a few things, including the material used for your ducts. If you hear any loud or strange noises coming from your ducts, it could be a sign of something like debris getting stuck in the system and needing to be removed.

Water Movement

One sound that is totally normal to hear at periodic intervals, rather than continuously, is the sound of water moving through your AC’s condensate drain. This might be a slight gurgling noise that can be heard when the AC is running and cooling your home.

This sound signifies that the system is properly draining any excess moisture that it collects during its cycle, which is an important step in keeping your AC healthy and running efficiently. If you ever hear any loud or strange noises coming from the condensate drain, it could mean that there is a blockage in the line and needs to be cleared out.

Clicking Sounds

Near the end of a given cycle, it’s also normal to hear some light clicking or ticking coming from your AC unit. This indicates that the system is cycling down and shutting off after its cycle is complete.

This should be a very slight sound that is relatively low in pitch, and should only take a few seconds before it stops completely. If you hear any loud noises or it takes longer than a few seconds, then this could signal that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

At the end of the day, these are all general indicators that your AC is operating properly and does not need attention. If you ever experience any loud or strange noises that don’t fit into these descriptions, it’s best to call a professional to diagnose the problem and get your air conditioner back up and running in no time.

Stay tuned for part two of this blog series, where we’ll discuss some troubling sounds from your AC unit that could be signs of a bigger problem. At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re here to help and answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today to learn about any of our HVAC services throughout SLC, Provo, American Fork or nearby areas.