The concept of efficiency is a regular topic within the HVAC world, and particularly during “peak” seasons where temperatures hit either end of the extreme spectrum. Luckily, there are some simple ways to ensure that not only do you and your family stay comfortable throughout the coldest parts of the Utah winter, but that you do so efficiently and without breaking the bank on costs. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re happy to offer a wide range of AC and furnace repairs, installations and more to ensure clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas are comfortable in any season – for affordable costs, as well. While you should already have completed fall and pre-winter inspections and tune-ups for your system, here are some basic ways you can ensure that your heating remains efficient as we hit the coldest parts of the year, whether on your own or with help from our team wherever necessary. 

Check Your Thermostat Regularly

One of the most important components of your entire HVAC system is the thermostat, which controls temperatures and tells the furnace or AC unit when to turn on and off. If your thermostat is broken, you could be wasting large amounts of energy without even realizing it. Remember that temperature settings should generally be set as low as comfortable for heating – each degree lower saves 2-3% in heating costs.

You should also consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat, which allows you to set different temperatures for different times of day. This will allow you to save energy by turning down the heat when no one is home or at night while sleeping.

Replace Air Filters

A clogged and dirty air filter can cause many problems with your HVAC system, including reduced efficiency. Check your filters every month and change them at least every 3 months, or more if you have pets. This will also help improve your indoor air quality and keep dust and contaminants out of your home.

Air Ducts

Especially if your ducts have not received any attention in a few years, it may be time to do some maintenance on them. Leaky ducts can waste a lot of heat and energy, which also means more money out of your pocket. 

Have a professional come in and inspect your ductwork for leaks and seal any that are found. This will ensure that all the heated air produced by your furnace reaches the rooms where you want it.

Regular Dusting and Vacuuming

One basic thing that homeowners can do to help their HVAC system run efficiently is to keep the area around the furnace and vents clean. This means dusting and vacuuming regularly to prevent dirt, debris or pet hair from entering the system and clogging it up.

Not only will this help your heating system run more efficiently, but it can also help extend its lifespan. Plus, keeping your home clean and free of dust and allergens is always a good idea for overall health.

Check Exhaust Vents

Another type of vent that you should check regularly is the exhaust vents. These are located outside of your home and remove dangerous carbon monoxide gas from your furnace. Make sure they aren’t blocked by debris or snow, which can prevent them from working properly.

If you do notice damage or blockage to your exhaust vents, contact us immediately. These are crucial for the safe operation of your furnace and any issues should be addressed right away.

Regular Professional Care

As we noted above, you should already have scheduled a fall inspection and tune-up for your furnace. If you have not, do so as soon as possible to ensure that your system is running properly and efficiently. A professional HVAC technician can also identify potential problems early on and make necessary repairs before they become major issues.

In addition, regular maintenance will help extend the lifespan of your heating system and save you money in costly repairs or replacements down the line. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Lee’s Heating and Air for any heating concerns or questions – we are always happy to help! By following these tips and staying on top of regular maintenance, you can keep your heating system efficient and running smoothly all winter long. And our team is here to assist with any need you may have around SLC, Provo, American Fork or nearby areas!