There are a few things no Utah homeowner wants to deal with as they utilize their air conditioner during the hot summer season, and poor airflow from the unit is a good example. There are a few different possible causes of low airflow from your system, some that are relatively easy to remedy and some that may require a bit more effort. 

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re here to offer a variety of heating and air conditioner repair, maintenance and installation services for clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby parts of Utah. Here are some of the possible causes of poor airflow in your system, from those you can likely take care of on your own with some basic actions to those that might require more extensive attention (whether from you or our HVAC professionals wherever needed). 

Clogged Air Filters

Likely the single most common source of poor airflow in HVAC systems, but also luckily one of the easiest to remedy, clogged air filters are almost always the cause of poor airflow. Simply check your filter every month or so to make sure it’s clean and isn’t obstructed, and replace when necessary.

For those unaware, filters in the HVAC system don’t solely remove contaminants from the air, but they also help maintain proper air circulation. Keeping your filters clean can also help to reduce energy bills as a result of improved efficiency — it’s a win-win situation!

Ductwork Obstruction

If your ductwork is blocked or obstructed, you could end up with poor airflow even if the filter isn’t clogged. Check the distance between each vent, as well as any other potential obstacles that may be in the way. Make sure that all ducts are sealed and insulated properly to ensure maximum efficiency, as well.

For instance, a common obstruction for ductwork in some homes is furniture, as it can be easy to forget about the space that is taken up by grills and vents. Make sure that any furniture in your home is not blocking any air outlets from your system. 

Outdoor Unit Airflow Blocked

Your AC operates through a series of cycles, but it relies on warm air from outside being absorbed by the outdoor unit to keep your home cool. Make sure that the fans and coils of this outdoor unit are not blocked or obstructed in any way. 

This could be due to things like debris, plants or even fencing around the area — anything that might potentially block the airflow coming into your system. Additionally, make sure that the condenser unit itself is properly placed and level, as this can also create airflow issues if tilted too much in either direction.

Damaged Air Ducts

One issue that will often require some professional attention is if your air ducts have somehow become damaged or worn. Make sure to check for any rips, holes or other issues that might impede airflow throughout the house and reach out to local HVAC professionals like those from Lee’s Heating and Air if needed!

While you may be able to temporarily patch up any issues you can see, the long-term solution should be to have your air ducts properly repaired. This will help ensure that you don’t end up with other problems down the line due to compromised airflow.

Thermostat Concerns

In other cases, poor airflow may be caused by issues with the thermostat. Make sure that your thermostat is set correctly to ensure it’s properly cooling or heating your home as desired. Additionally, check its wiring and make sure that all connections are secure and that everything is plugged in properly.

If you’re still having issues even after performing these steps, it may be necessary to reach out for professional assistance. We here at Lee’s Heating and Air are always on hand to help with any thermostat-related concerns you may have!

Improperly-Sized Unit

One of the more worrisome causes of poor airflow is when the system in your home is improperly sized for the area. If you suspect this could be the case, it’s best to call a professional HVAC technician to assess and advise on what steps need to be taken next. 

If your unit is too small for the space, it won’t be able to put out enough airflow to cool your home adequately. Conversely, if it’s too big, you may end up with low airflow from over-cycling (as well as higher than necessary energy bills). 

Simple Age

Finally, it’s important to remember that all units will begin to wear down over time, and your system is no exception. If your unit is more than a decade old and you’re noticing poor airflow, it may simply be due to age and could require replacement — again, an HVAC technician can help verify if this is the case.

If you’re dealing with issues due to low airflow in your home, reach out to the experts at Lee’s Heating and Air. We offer a variety of services from AC repair and maintenance to installation for clients throughout Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby parts of Utah. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get your system up and running again!