If you live in Utah, you know the winters can leave you bound to your home. This is when an HVAC system saves you from the frigid winter and keeps you warm. But running a furnace all day can increase your utility bills and leave you wondering, “Should I turn off the furnace and sit in cold, frigid environment or use the furnace and pay the exorbitant utility bills?”

Well, we have a solution to save you from freezing in this cold weather. A high-efficiency American Standard furnace can help you save money. Moreover, an energy efficient HVAC system is an eco-friendly option which helps reduce carbon footprint. However, it is important to choose the right high-efficiency furnace to save money in the long run. While you need to make a high investment up front, your monthly energy bills will reduce considerably.

Choosing the Right High-Efficiency Furnace

A high-efficiency furnace helps you save money in the long run, but do you know what a high-efficiency furnace actually means?

A high energy American Standard furnace operates efficiently and converts 90 to 97 percent of fuel into energy. While other models can only convert 60 to 80 percent of the fuel into energy. So if you have a decade old furnace, it will probably not be as effective as an up-to-date version or an energy efficient furnace.

There are plenty of energy efficient furnaces available in the market, but they are not the same. So while a condensing gas furnace gives a higher rating of 90 to 97 percent fuel efficiency, the energy star furnaces have an efficiency rating of 85 percent. If you are upgrading your furnace, make sure to understand the different type of furnace and hire an expert who provides furnace installation in Salt Lake City.

Is it Worth Investing in One?

The best way to know whether you should invest in a high-efficiency furnace is to break down the numbers.

If you spend approximately $150 a month on heating and cooling, the furnace utilizes about 80 of the fuel. This is common in furnaces which are more than a decade old. This means, for every dollar you spend, 20 cents is being wasted. Thus, if you are ready to invest in a high-efficiency furnace with 90 to 97 percent efficiency, it translated to about 15 percent saving a month. While initially, this may not sound much, but it can add up to a big number in the future.

If you hire expert professionals for a furnace tune up in Salt Lake City, your furnace can have a lifespan of 15 or more years. Also, you can get discounts on the American Standard furnace. So make sure to talk with your HVAC agent to know more about it.

Remember, each home is different when it comes to heating and cooling requirements. So while some homes can save 20 percent on their utility bill, others can save as much as 40 percent.

Talk to the heating and cooling experts before you choose to upgrade your furnace. Lee’s Heating and Cooling are highly efficient HVAC contractors in Salt Lake City.
Call Lee’s Heating and Air experts at (801) 467-1561 or Click the button to Contact Us