Spring is just around the corner and we all are eager to see the bright green sprigs of new grass, colorful flowers popping their head and just breathe in the fresh air. However, spring is often accompanied by allergies which makes it difficult for some people to breathe properly.

When allergies strike, most people choose to stay at home to escape the ugly effects of allergens. However, your home may not be the safe haven you are looking forward to as it can harbor all sorts of indoor allergens. Regardless of how often you keep your home clean, there are few miscreants that contribute to poor indoor air quality. Moreover children and elderly are more likely to suffer because of poor indoor air quality.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, an allergic reaction happens when your body’s natural defense system — the immune system — releases antibodies as it tries to fight off a substance it thinks is harmful.

For some people who have a sensitive immune system, pet dander can become harmful. Also, if you are exposed to poor air quality for a long time, you may even develop chronic issues such as asthma over a period of time.

However, there are a few simple steps you can take to reduce allergens in your home.

  • Prevent Mold

    Mildew and mold can lurk around the house. To help prevent the formation of mold in the house, make sure that the home has sufficient ventilation. Also, clean bathroom and kitchen with mold-busting products. Moreover, as mold and bacteria thrive in warm and moist conditions, running your air conditioner regularly also helps.

  • Schedule Home Duct Cleaning

    Did you know that it is important to get home duct cleaning services at regular intervals? Just as the surfaces around the house get dirty over time, the air ducts get dirty too. All the contaminants present in the house such as mold, dust, pet dander, and chemicals are pulled into the HVAC system and recirculated in the air.

    Moreover, dirty air ducts can also contribute to potential health problems such as autoimmune disorders and respiratory conditions. They can also lead to headaches, dizziness, irritated eyes, and more. So if you are ready to tackle those dirty air ducts, make sure to reach out to expert home duct cleaning service providers.

  • Reduce Pet Dander

    If you are a pet owner, you might be facing a challenge with dander. Pet dander can cling to clothes, walls, furniture, and just about anything present across the house. Did you know it can also make its way to the home air ducts and can recirculate in the air five to seven times a day?
    It is important to regularly clean your carpets, furniture, and window coverings to reduce the amount of dander in the air. Also decluttering the indoor space will make it easier to clean the dander.

  • Change the Filters Regularly

    How often do you change the air filters of the HVAC system? Changing the air filters every month will make sure you and your family are breathing clean, healthy, and fresh air. Air filters trap pollutants and harmful particles, thus giving you a chance to breathe in healthy air.

Air Conditioning Preventive Maintenance Services are Worth the Price

You may not realize that you are paying higher utility bills than you need to. Proper maintenance can save you money by ensuring that your equipment is running as efficiently as possible. You’ll love the savings and increased comfort in your home by having your AC or furnace perform optimally.

We Have Got Your Back!

Air conditioning preventive maintenance service providers are your friends who you would only want to see twice a year. If you have to keep calling the HVAC technician to make repairs all year round, you will be tired of shelling out the extra money on repair work.

Through proactive maintenance by our technicians, you can increase the longevity of your system and save on utility bills over time. Our tune-up includes a professional cleaning, adjustment, and safety inspection to ensure safety and reliable operation.

Save Time and Money With Lee’s

Lee’s Heating and Air offers a range of services including home duct cleaning services designed to help you enjoy living in a comfortable, energy-efficient environment. Appointments can be made to fit within your busy schedule.

Call us for more details today! Call us at (801) 467-1561