When calling one of the best air duct cleaning companies, people often have a question on their mind, “Is duct cleaning service a waste of money?” Over the past few years, duct cleaning service has really evolved, but is it worth the money spent or is it a scam?

Is It Really A Waste Of Money?

Whether duct cleaning services are a waste of money or not really depend on how you use your home and how it is cared for. Many factors can contribute to the need for duct cleaning. Some of them include:

  • Do you vacuum the floor often?
  • Is the carpet area cleaned often?
  • Do you fry food often?
  • Do you wear shoes inside the house?
  • Do you own a pet?
  • Is smoke a factor from tobacco or candles?
  • Do you use aerosols?
  • Do you have indoor plants where mold can grow?

Duct cleaning is a waste of money if you choose the wrong air duct cleaning companies. There are plenty of companies out there that give a bad name to the duct cleaning industry. These companies often do not use proper techniques to clean the ducts and use bait-and-switch advertisements to attract customers.

These companies only clean a fraction of the ducts for the initial price they quote and often surprise you with an astronomical sum to clean the rest of the ducts. They bait you with a promise to clean the ducts around the house for a small price but end up charging hidden costs.

Duct Cleaning is Not a Waste of Money When…

You hire reliable and trustworthy air duct cleaning companies. Lee’s Heating and Air offer the highest standard of HVAC cleaning services to make sure your system works fine for many years to come.

Cleaning the ducts once a year can provide relief from a whole host of problems. Duct cleaning often reduces the amount of dust that is being pushed into the house. If you often you’re your home covered in dust regardless of dusting frequently, it may be the right time to opt for duct cleaning services.

If someone in your home suffers from dust allergy, getting the ducts cleaned frequently will help relieve the severity of their symptoms. Every time, you travel back home, harmful particulates and allergens travel with you. They are in turn sucked by the ducts and circulated throughout the home.

Another benefit of duct cleaning is often seen when you opt for home renovation. Whether you have bought a new home or are fixing up your existing home, make sure to choose duct cleaning services after you have completed the renovations. During the renovation process, there’s dust, debris, and contaminants all around. When it is still in the air, it gets picked up by the HVAC system and this is not the type of air you want to breathe in. Opting for duct cleaning services can help you breathe in clean air.

Lee’s Heating and Air has provided quality customer service by having expertly trained service technicians and installers on board. We are one of the best air duct cleaning companies in Salt Lake City. Call us today to schedule your expert service. 801-467-1561!