Spring is finally beginning to appear around several areas of Utah, and this means a few important things for home and building owners in terms of property and component maintenance. One of the most important such areas for any property: Air conditioner maintenance, which should be performed at some point during this transition from the cold winter into the warm summer.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we’re here to offer numerous furnace service and air conditioning repair solutions to clients around Salt Lake City, Provo, American Fork and nearby areas, including preventive maintenance services that are immensely valuable to many of our clients – and are sorely missed by those who fail to carry out basic spring AC maintenance. Here are some of the major risks of not ordering basic air conditioner maintenance from professionals like ours this spring, which will double as a way of explaining the significant value in ensuring this upkeep is performed each year.

What Happens During Spring AC Maintenance

Before we get into the risks of not scheduling spring AC maintenance, it’s important to understand what this process entails. It begins with a basic visual inspection of your outdoor compressor unit and indoor air handler, where our technicians will look for any visible signs of damage or corrosion that may have taken place over the winter months.

Next, we move on to changing out all necessary filters, one area that many homeowners can and should handle on their own. This will include both the furnace filter, which may be located in multiple areas of your home depending on its design, plus the air conditioner filter that prevents debris from entering the system itself.

After these basic steps, our technicians will use a variety of tools to thoroughly clean out both the indoor and outdoor components of your HVAC system. We’ll remove any dust, grime or debris that has accumulated during the winter season, plus ensure all moving parts are functioning properly and not in need of lubrication or any other simple repair areas.

What are the big risks you’re taking if you don’t carry out this process each spring? Our next several sections will dig into this.

Minor Issues Becoming Major Issues

The entire point of preventive maintenance is to catch small issues before they become large problems. This can be the case in many areas of life, but it’s especially true for HVAC systems and their components – many of which have moving parts that may wear down over time.

During our inspection processes, we’ll identify any minor damage or potential concerns that need addressing. In most cases, these will be simple fixes that will be much less expensive than if you wait until they become larger problems. For instance, we may find a small leak in your air conditioning unit or a loose bolt on your furnace’s fan – fixing these issues now can save you from costly repairs or replacements in the future.

But if you fail to schedule spring AC maintenance, these minor issues can quickly escalate into major problems. A small leak could become a large crack, causing your system to lose efficiency or even break down completely. And a loose bolt that goes unrepaired could lead to more severe damage that requires extensive repairs or replacements – not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort of living without air conditioning during the hot summer months.

Cost Risks

As you may have guessed, one of the most significant risks of skipping spring AC maintenance is the potential for high costs down the road. As mentioned, minor issues can quickly turn into major problems that require expensive repairs or even full system replacements. Not to mention, without proper upkeep and maintenance, your HVAC system will likely become less efficient over time, leading to higher energy bills.

By investing in preventive maintenance each spring, you’re not only avoiding costly repairs and replacements, but you’re also ensuring your HVAC system operates at its peak efficiency – saving you money on energy costs in the long run.

Comfort Risks

Lastly, don’t underestimate the discomfort that comes with a poorly maintained air conditioning system. If your AC breaks down during a hot summer day, you’ll be left without cool air until repairs can be made. This can be especially dangerous for vulnerable populations, such as young children or elderly individuals. By scheduling spring AC maintenance, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your system is working properly and keeping your home cool and comfortable.

In addition to these risks, failing to schedule spring AC maintenance also means missing out on potential cost savings through warranties or extended warranty options. Plus, regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your HVAC system, saving you money in the long run.

At Lee’s Heating and Air, we highly recommend scheduling preventive maintenance for your air conditioning system each spring. Don’t take the risk of costly repairs, inefficient operation, and discomfort – contact us today to schedule your appointment, whether you’re in SLC, Provo, American Fork or any nearby area.