SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is defined as the ratio of the cooling output of an air conditioner over a typical cooling season, divided by the energy it consumed in Watt-Hours.

Energy efficient air conditioners have a SEER value ranging from 13 to 14 SEER as a minimum to a maximum of 21 or 25 SEER. Off lately, there have been a number of myths surrounding the SEER ratings. Today we will be debunking some of the myths.

Myth #1 – Buying a High SEER Unit is Beneficial

If you Google SEER saving calculator, you will find that you can save a lot of money by updating your SEER value. However, it must be remembered that SEER value is variable and thus there’s a lot more that goes into calculating a good SEER value.

Moreover, higher SEER unit cost more than a unit that has a low SEER value. As most people use their air conditioner sparingly during the summer, the actual savings will only be a little ahead of what you would have had with the base model equipment.

Myth #2 – Upgrading The Condenser Increase The SEER Value Of The Entire System

A majority of people believe that they can increase the SEER value of the entire system by purchasing a higher SEER condenser. However, this is far from being true. Changing one component at a time won’t affect the SEER rating as it is a package deal.

Myth #3 – High SEER Rating Equipment is Better

This is another myth believed by people around the globe. All air conditioners are required to meet the standard specifications. Thus, a good SEER rating is an indication of whether it is worth spending the extra money on upgrading the system or not. However, it does not affect the quality of the equipment. Irrespective of the SEER value of the air conditioner, the quality will remain the same.

Myth #4 – The Cost Of Upgrading The Air Conditioner Is More Than The Savings

Taking into account the average use of air conditioner, the extra cost for the upgrade will be covered through lowered electricity bills within 4 years. On an average a central air conditioner unit can last you about 15 to 18 years. Thus the benefit of many years of energy savings will make up for the extra cost to upgrade the system.

Myth #5 – New Units are Bigger Than the Older Units

If you believe that a new energy efficient air conditioner unit will be bigger than the one you have at your home, you are mistaken. While some of the new units are bigger, a majority of central air conditioners units are not. Nowadays manufacturers are using the latest technology to make sure the size of the air conditioners remains the same.

Also, people often believe that they need to renovate their home in order to accommodate the new energy efficient unit. But, this is not true. There is no appreciable difference in the new and the older units and a new unit can be installed in place of an old unit.

If you are looking forward to hiring experts for HVAC installation, maintenance, repair and tune-up services, get in touch with the expert professionals at Lee’s Heating and Air. Call 801-467-1561 today!