High ceilings are often seen as a desired feature in modern homes, for it adds a touch of elegance to any space. But it comes with a price which reflects on your monthly utility bills. High ceilings can make it difficult to heat up a room to optimal levels as hot air rises up giving way to cool air. So while a high ceiling can appeal to modern tastes, it often results in temperature imbalance.

When simply cranking up heat is not an effective solution to heat up your living space, here are few tips to make a room with high ceiling warmer.

Ceiling Fans

If you don’t own a ceiling fan, you can buy one depending on the size of your room. Get in touch with one of the best HVAC contractors in Salt Lake City as they will help you decide how many fans you need in a room.

During winters, you can run the fan in reverse to push the warmer air back down into the room. However, the technique depends on the height of the room, the room size and the distance between the fan and the ceiling. For maximum efficiency, you can run the fan in reverse direction for two or three days and run it at standard settings for a few days.

Insulate the Room

If you are remodeling or building your home, you can choose to insulate the walls and ceilings to keep a room warm. Poor insulation makes it difficult to maintain room temperature. When insulating a room, you should aim for an R-value at least R-38.

Make sure there is no cold air leaking inside the room through electric outlets or air registers. If there is an air leak, add rubber insulation.

Ceiling Fan Heaters

If fans are not enough to solve the problem, you can opt for ceiling fan heaters. These are small heaters installed just below the ceiling fan. They provide more warm air for fans that are running in the reverse direction to direct the heat downwards.


Windows can contribute to major heat loss and heat gain in a room. Let in the heat by opening the window coverings while the sun is shining through them. If you believe you are losing heat through the windows, replace a single-pane glass with double-pane glass. You can even weatherproof your windows or use caulking around the wooden window panes.

Radiant Floor Heating

If your HVAC system isn’t able to properly heat up the high-ceiling living area, consider installing radiant floor heating. It works differently than the HVAC system as it heat objects rather than heating air. A radiant floor heater delivers heat evenly through the room. It starts by heating the floor before heating the surrounding objects. Thus, your favorite chair will be warm and comfortable by the time you choose to sit.

So now you are just a step away from warm and comfortable indoors. Have questions? Want to get an HVAC system installed, maintained, repaired or tune-up? Contact Lee’s Heating and Air at 801-467-1561 today!!